Thursday, February 28, 2013

Six Years Later

Six years ago today is when I got my tracheostomy tube.  February 24, 2007 I was back in hospital for the 3rd time with worsening respiratory condition from high CO2 buildup.  I was intubated in emergency and then on February 28th I had surgery to put in my trach tube.  I have blogged about this before around the anniversary.   Now six years later I am quite used to the trach and continue to use a ventilator at night.  At first I got the trach tube changed every 4 weeks, and now every 6 weeks and have had this done over 50 times now so it is getting quite routine.

In the picture above, cuddling new granddaughter Li'l E, you can see the connection to my trach tube with a heat and moisture exchanger (HME)  and oxygen tubing.  The HME is also known as a "Swedish nose"  apparently since the inventor was Swedish and it has the same function as your nose with filtering the air and retaining humidity.  When I go out I wear a speaking valve with a scarf over it but at home it is more comfortable with the "Swedish nose."
Last week I had an appointment with the ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist who examined around and below my trach tube with his bronchoscope.     This was a follow up appointment after being in hospital in November.  He was very happy with how well healed everything looks in my trachea and the stoma opening for the trach tube. 

As I think back to how I was 6 years ago, I thank God for His goodness and for the health He has given me each day.