Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Life Back to "Normal"

I haven't blogged since our visitors left a week ago. Things are back to "normal" routine going to work each day. I am back to working my usual average of 5 or 5 1/2 hours per day. When I first returned to work in 2007 I had a note from my doctor that I could work 3-4 hours per day. But since then I have been feeling a lot better and working up to about 6 hours per day. Then in July while on holidays I got a letter from the work HR department saying that they still have the doctors note on file saying I can only work 3-4 hours and that I am restricted to working no more than 4 hours per day. Apparently I was feeling better without permission! Anyhow I now got a revised doctors note saying I can work up to 6 hours per day. So this week I am back to my "normal" work schedule.

Besides being back to "normal" routine, one of the main things on our minds is a man from our church very ill in hospital. We were up to the hospital twice last week to see him, and his wife who is staying with him full time. They continue to be in our thoughts and prayers everyday.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

Feeling better without permission is a terrible crime. I hope the other person you mentioned is soon able to feel better without permission. Email me details, please