Thursday, March 11, 2010

Over the Blue Bridge

Om Monday I was with Chris driving out to his school while Elaine and Maryanne were shopping.  He noticed that the Johnson Street Bridge was raising so turned over that way.  We waited while the bridges were raised to allow a sailing ship with tall mast pass underneath.  Then when the road bridge was lowered we drove across it.   

Road bridge and rail bridge (on right) both raised

Road bridge lowered and rail bridge still raised. 

The Johnson Street Bridge, also known as the Blue Bridge, is the source of some controversy in Victoria.  It is 86 years old, built in 1924, and would take a substantial amount of money to refurbish it to ensure it continues to be safe.  The option to borrow money for a new bridge and demolish the Blue Bridge had considerable opposition.  There will likely be a referendum in the fall.      

Then in Wednesdays newspaper we saw a news report that on Tuesday the Blue Bridge had stuck in the raised position due to a blown fuse.  This caused some traffic tie ups for a  while.  Of course this stirred up more debate about the future fate of the Blue Bridge.   

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