Monday, April 26, 2010

Miscellaneous Updates

I haven't blogged for almost two weeks so thought I would post some miscellaneous updates of what we have been doing in the last while. 

One reason I haven't felt too inspired for things like blogging is that I have been having more trouble with headaches in the last while.  Not anything intense like a migraine, but ongoing tightness or pressure across my head from soreness in my neck and shoulder, mainly on the right side due to the curvature of my back.  I have still been going to work each day but it makes me quite tired by evening.  I am thankful that I still get many good days.  

Elaine has been busy in the last while with more practices for spring choir concerts.  Her main concert was a week ago including a composition made for the 25th anniversary of their choir.  But much of it was sung by a smaller subset of the choir as well as a lengthy organ solo.  I was wishing it would feature more of the whole choir.    The second half of that concert was Mass of the Children by John Rutter.   From the style of classical music I was assuming it was from the 1800s but was surprised to see it was completed in 2003.   They were joined by a children's choir and soloists and accompanied by the symphony and pipe organ.  It was really beautiful blending together singing in English and Latin.   Next week the choir will be at a symphony performance to sing with them for one of the pieces, so I will likely go to hear that as well.    Also a few weeks ago someone called who had some free symphony tickets so we went to a performance that night including a piano soloist.  I think Elaine enjoyed going to a concert where she could just sit and listen.

Another thing we have done is go to a couple of Mike's soccer games.  He was in the WCP Cup again this year on the Ukraine team.  We were at a game last night that they lost so unfortunately are not going on the playoffs.   This is an excellent event each year with good-sized enthusiastic crowds.

The other sports-related update is that we have been watching the NHL playoffs that are in the first round.   Tonight we just watched an exciting win by Montreal over Washington in game 6 of their series.  They were serious underdogs and no one gave them a chance to take it to a game 7.    And with a win last night, Vancouver is the only other Canadian team still in the playoffs.

Anyhow I said it was miscellaneous update from health to classical music to sports ....

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