Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pushing the Button

Today at work I submitted my official retirement notice effective May 31 which is 60 days from now.    There is a pension plan database that has a retirement notice page that you fill in the information and the effective date and then click on YES to submit the retirement notice.   Everyone at work talking about retirement  refers to this as "pushing the button."    I heard of some people who  had the screen open on their computer for several hours with the mouse pointer hovering back and forth over the YES button before finally pushing it.   For me it was not a major issue since I had decided some time ago and planned to give my notice on March  31  which is 60 days before the official May 31 date.  With vacation days and other days off to use before retirement I only have about 30 actual working days to go .... 


Queen of West Procrastination said...

You only have thirty working days left of the sixty until retirement? I am reminded of when Chris's brother tells his dad (who works for the same company as you, for those who don't know) to "Get a job, man."

DC Power said...

Hey Mary tell Chris (and his brother) his Dad and I don't get the whole summer off like he does.