Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Canada Day

Today Canada is 141 years old. The first four provinces of Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia joined together in confederation in 1867 through the British North America Act. This is now called the Constitution Act since the Canada Act 0f 1982 that patriated the constitution. Other provinces joined in sequence until Newfoundland became the 10th in 1949.

A country of 141 years could be considered young compared to nations with much longer histories. But Canada has had a relatively long and stable history. There could be some debate of the effectiveness of the form of government established in Canada by confederation of provinces, but we have been blessed with a freedom and peace many parts of the world have never experienced.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

If you look at the age of our constitutions, Canada and United States are older than many countries in the world.