Saturday, May 23, 2009


This afternoon Elaine and I were at the RCMP Heritage Centre. The upper picture is in the main exhibit hall. We were there with Mike and Nicole and her family to see the location since this is where their wedding will be in July. The photographers were there and they planned and tried out various indoor and outdoor settings for the wedding photos.

It is a huge facility and really a beautiful place. In the lower picture you can see some of the horses on the grounds there. These are horses that were retired from the RCMP musical ride and are at the heritage centre for the visitors to see. You can see one of the buildings of the RCMP training centre in the background.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

Number One Son and I used to go to the RCMP museum at least once a year when he was young. We have not been to the new centre and need to do that one of these years.