Saturday, November 14, 2009

H1N1 Flu Shot

I went and got my H1N1 flu shot today.   I posted some information about the H1N1 vaccine last month when I got my seasonal flu shot.   The H1N1 flu shots were being made available in stages  to groups the health department considered higher risk, starting with children and pregnant women.  This week it opened up for people under 65 with chronic health conditions.  

The health department had taken over a building which was a former high school for the H1N1 vaccinations. Since I saw on the news that there had been long line ups at that location I was planning to wait until later in the month when flu shots may be given at the building where I work.   Then this afternoon a woman that I work with phoned me on her cell that she had just gotten her flu shot and there was no line up.  So I went straight down there.  Sure enough there were enough people on duty to handle hundreds of people and I was able to walk right in and get my flu shot with no line up.        

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