Friday, May 23, 2008

Supper's Cooking

When my mother got older she still had way too good of a memory about things I did when I was little boy. My kids would ask their Grandma, "Tell us stories about when our Dad did things bad when he was a little boy." One of the famous stories was about "Supper's Cooking."

When I was little our family had a gas stove in the kitchen. One time while my Mom had just stepped out the back door I must have gotten the idea that I could help by making supper.

I suddenly came out the back door and said loudly "Supper's cooking!"

My Mom could tell that something exciting was happening so she rushed into the kitchen. I had taken a little plastic frying pan, put in my Dad's cloth tape measure, put in on the stove and turned on the burner. Of course everything was up in flames. Mom quickly pushed the burning frying pan into a metal basin and took it outside to put out the fire.

Fortunately my Mom took into consideration that I came and told her right a way, so I didn't get in too much trouble. Needless to say it was quite a few years before I tried to "help" cook supper again.


Anonymous said...

Yes, this story is a classic. I am waiting for the "jam can upside down on Auntie's head" story.

The Blog Fodder said...

Well, it was legendary at our house that supper was ready when the smoke alarm went off.