Monday, December 22, 2008

So How Cold is It?

The weather is always a main topic in Saskatchewan particularly during the current deep freeze. But since I am inherently quantitative and a thoroughly analytical fellow, I downloaded the weather data and plotted the temperatures and windchill for the last 10 days.
The graph is for December 12 when the weather started to turn cold up to yesterday December 21. The blue bars are temperature and the red bars the windchill. This shows 9 days in a row with windchill going below -35C and 6 of them going below -40C. But if you live here you don't need a graph to show you how cold it is. I have taken to hibernating until it warms up.


Bronwyn said...

Ugh. That is too cold for man and beast. I'm staying inside.

Unknown said...

and yet I am still THRILLED to be returning to SK this week!!! Can't wait to see you & I look forward to enduring the tundra! :)

Queen of West Procrastination said...

What are the little lines within the bars for?

Also, that is ridonkulous. I had just been saying that I missed Saskatchewan Decembers, which are milder than Saskatchewan Januaries. That's January weather right there. No good.

DC Power said...

The lines within the bars are the variation in temperature during the day.

The Blog Fodder said...

I have a graph like that with 30 year average mean highs and lows and total precipitationfor the 12 months. We must be related?