Friday, January 30, 2009

Drilling Extra Holes

One time when Elaine and I were visiting Janny while she was teaching at Pierceland, I was going to assemble a microwave stand for her. I had a project to do while Elaine and Janny were out somewhere.

Everything was going well until I came to one part where the holes were too small for the size of screws. No problem I just drilled the holes out larger. Then when I was finishing up the last piece had large holes in it and the remaining screws were too small. Oops I should have used these screws on the previous piece and saved the larger screws. My solution was to drill extra holes to fit the small screws.

This has gotten to be a running joke in the family. Janny still teases me about "drilling extra holes" or if I was going to visit her I would say "I'll bring my drill along in case I need to drill extra holes."

Then after I got my trach last year Janny says "How appropriate, they had to drill extra holes." I am sure I will never hear the end of this.

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

Nice to know other people's fathers don't get any respect either.