Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Norwegian Thanksgiving

We were up to Elaine's family's farm for the Thanksgiving weekend.   While we were there some relatives from Norway were visiting in the area.  The two couples are cousins on Elaine's father's side of the family.  We first met them at church on Sunday.   In the service Elaine's father gave a message and read scriptures in Norwegian to have something for the visitors, especially the older couple who spoke little English.   We could follow along the verses in our Bibles.  He told a story of the experience of salvation that his aunt from Norway had told about in a letter at the age of 90.    The visitors found the story quite touching since this aunt was their grandmother/ great grandmother.   Also in the service 20 children went up to the front for verses and songs. That is always an important and enjoyable part of the service.   After the service there was a Thanksgiving dinner for all the families related to these visitors.   We stayed around for a while in the afternoon for more visiting with the folks from Norway and some picture taking, etc.     We haven't had a chance to go through the pictures yet but will try to get some posted. 

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