Sunday, October 17, 2010

Weekend Visiting

We had my cousin Stan staying with us for the weekend.  He had a course all day Saturday and Sunday.  We visited with him for a while when he arrived Friday night, and then each day after his class.    On Saturday Stan and Elaine and I were invited over to Bronwyn and Wade's place for supper.   It was very enjoyable to have supper and visit with them and see their home.    We visited more with Stan back at our house that evening.  We were listening to a CD he has of a pianist playing medleys of old hymns, and making a list to the hymns in each medley and were able to identify almost all of them.  Then Stan was back to our house for supper Sunday after his class and we had another visit before he left for home.

Then Sunday evening I helped Janice with her science experiment demonstrating the magnetic properties of grapes. (Actually any fruit with high water content will work.)  She has the video of the experiment  on her blog.    We had fun with that.   

We had a nice relaxing weekend.    I was not feeling too energetic since I had a trach change Thursday and have had more soreness, coughing and congestion in the nights since then, which disturbed my sleep (and Elaine's as well.)  So we just need a good sleep tonight and then back to work tomorrow.  

1 comment:

The Blog Fodder said...

I hope Bron remembered to give all the stuff she had for Stan.