Thursday, September 15, 2011

Trach Examination

I had an appointment at the hospital yesterday for an examination related to my trach  by my ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.  I had a problem with a trach tube and it had to be replaced two weeks ago, and now to order new customized trach tubes for me the respiratory therapy department at the hospital needed a prescription from the ENT specialist.  I was to have an appointment at 4 PM yesterday, and at 6:30 we were still in the waiting room.    The doctor came out and talked to us to explain the delay that some of his equipment had not been sterilized since it had been used and he was waiting for that.  He is a very nice man and the staff at  the hospital keep telling us that as well.    When we were called into a hospital room and the nurse heard which doctor we would be seeing she said "He is a very nice man!".  We said "Yes we know that."    The nurse told us this ENT doctor did her 6 year old daughter's tonsillectomy.  Her daughter was afraid but the doctor was so nice talking to the girl about the surgery,  and now her daughter thinks the doctor is pretty well her new boyfriend.  

Finally the doctor came to do his examination and he had the bronchoscope with him.  He has done examinations in my airways with a bronchoscope several times before.  I posted on my blog back in 2008 that it was like having a microscope up my nose.  This time he did not go up my nose and around the sinuses and back down to the trachea with his scope.  He pulled out my trach tube and put the scope into the trachea through the stoma (the opening in my neck for the trach tube) and pushed the scope's fibre optic tube down my airway.

Bronchoscope inserted in the stoma (opening in neck for trach tube) to examine the trachea 

He had first sprayed anesthetic to freeze the area so I would not cough from the scope.  He was looking for any granulation  which would be scar tissue or sore areas caused by the trach tube. He was very happy that the trachea looked very good.    Then he got Elaine to look in the scope while he moved it to show inside my trachea.  He said "See how good it looks."   Everything has healed up well and the trach tube is not causing any soreness or scar tissue.   This confirms the respiratory department should order trach tubes of the same type and size for me.    Overall I felt very good about the results of the examination. 

When we were leaving the doctor asked if I would be willing to talk to some of his other patients that will likely need a tracheostomy.  I remember how uncertain I was 4 years ago not really understanding what it is or how it would affect me.  I have done this before for another specialist who asked me to talk to some of his patients.   I said I would be glad to do this.  He said he will call me when he has something arranged to have me visit someone who is in hospital now needing a tracheostomy.   I hope my experience can be an encouragement to someone else.  



The Blog Fodder said...

If you need the other end checked, I saw a billboard in Krivii Rih yesterday advertising colonoscopies for 125 UAH or about $16.00 CAD.

DC Power said...

It must be a competitive business there.