The doctor started by shooting freezing spray up my nose, into my trach, and all around my neck area. The bronchoscope is like a microscope with a long thin fibreoptic tube. He was very thorough in examining with the scope into my trach all the way down my airway (trachea) to the connections to the lungs. Then came the "fun" part. He put the scope up my nose like in the picture. The tube went up through my sinuses around and down past and tonsils and through my vocal cords back down to the airway to my lungs.
There were two student nurses watching the doctor and they had to take turns looking into the scope as the doctor examined each part. Elaine had her turn too. I should have been charging admission! I surprised one of the nurses when I talked while she was looking at my vocal chords with the scope tube down between them. (By the way talking with frozen vocal chords is strange.)
The good news is the doctor did not find any serious problems. He said I have "peristoma granuloma and neuroma." In simple terms I have a sore spot with a bundle of nerve endings in my neck opening (stoma) that the trach tube rubs against. He wants to put me on a waiting list for surgery to repair this. He says it is not urgent so it could be 1 to 3 months. I am in no rush and I am trusting this will be healed up before any surgery is needed.
All in all having a microscope up my nose wasn't that bad. Doctors have a lot worse places they can put scopes.
It still surprises me that my Dad makes jokes like "Doctors have a lot worse places they can put scopes".
Dude! You had a microscope up your nose! And it went through your sinuses! That would feel much stranger than a neti pot.
I'm glad that it's nothing major, and we'll pray that this heals up quickly.
I think I'm going to have to change my title to "tracheostomy assistant". The doctor knows me by my first name and shows me all the goings on in the stoma. Once he even had me change the trach tube. I prefer to leave that to him or the respiratory therapists. Today he had me pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and answering it while he was scoping David.
Nurse/Receptionist Elaine
Wow, Mom. You're going to have to put all this on your resumé.
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