Saturday, March 7, 2009

Great Grandparents

These are pictures I have of my great grandparents Samuel and Elizabeth Hingston. Samuel was born in the Whitehall/ Cunnamore area near Skibbereen Ireland in 1818 and died in 1888. Elizabeth was born in 1852 in Bantry Ireland and married Samuel in 1876. She was left to raise five young sons when Samuel died, with the oldest being 10 and the youngest (my grandfather) being 4 years old. She came to Canada in 1906 and died in 1926.

I don't know the years the pictures would have been taken but the upper younger one of Samuel could have been in the 1840s when the first photography studios were established in Ireland. This picture looks like it is printed onto the back of the glass. The lower picture of Samuel says it was by Lauder Bros photographers of Dublin. This studio was established in 1853 but the picture was likely in the 1880s.

Elizabeth looks quite old in her picture but she would have been only 54 years old when she left Ireland. She likely looks older by the style of dress and the type of picture.

You can see by the lower picture that Samuel was a large man. I previously posted about Samuel's brother John Hingston and the information about him was that he was well over 6 feet tall so Samuel was likely the same.


The Blog Fodder said...

No wonder she looks old. Five boys and the farm to run. One of the boys being Uncle Joe and one being our grandfatehr likely didn't help. Can't imagine John, Jim or Sam giving any trouble.

Bronwyn said...

I can't believe that Samuel was so freaking old when she married him. Wow. Gross.

Teacher Lady said...

Different times, dear Bronwyn. Be thankful that they did get married or we wouldn't be here.

Anonymous said...

And now I know who to blame my girth on. Good ol' great/great grampa.

Unknown said...

this is cool... thanks for sharing, David!